What is half-published, you say?


Half-published is when you’ve signed a contract with a publisher but your book isn’t out in the world yet.

Because yeah. That’s what’s happening. With me.

Like, what? Me? I have a what now?

*deep breath*

I am officially signed with Glass House Press for my INITIUM series, starring Fairian, my cranky answers-driven heroine, and Daimyn, my intense immortal guardian of the innocent.

*soundless flailing as I can’t decide what emotion to stick with*

Actually, I’m rather surprised at how I feel about it. I was thinking I’d be giddy, or so excited I felt sick, or doing the omg what did I just get into thing. Instead, I feel so light. With a huge dose of LET’S FREAKING DO THIS. I am so ready to make this happen I can barely stand it. I know at some point I’ll be overwhelmed by editing, marketing, etc — but right now I’m incredibly eager to make it happen and learn and see what works.

I feel solid. Grounded. Determined and excited. Which makes me feel like I’ve made a really good decision and am totally ready for this.

It’s going to be an incredible adventure.

11 responses to “What is half-published, you say?”

  1. That’s fantastic news! Congratulations! I don’t know how long you’ve been writing but I’m sure it has been a tough journey; and it’s going to be even tougher here on out.

    There is no rest for the weary.

    • Thanks! It’s been around three years; it was tough at times but I honestly feel I’m better for it. I’m pretty excited for the toughness going forward – so much to learn! So much to do!

  2. 🎉 OMG, that’s SO brilliant. There are so many stories on here about rejection, what an utter delight to read your post. Many, many congratulations, enjoy every single, surreal second.

    • Thank you!! It IS so surreal; I definitely will though!

      You know, I’ve had a lot of rejection too. I don’t think there’s anyone published who hasn’t. And a lot of it the really crappy kind where you don’t know why. It’s really about perseverance and weathering the self-doubt storm in the end (look at me giving advice as if I really know what I’m talking about, HA!)

  3. Congratulations!! That’s so awesome! Even if there’s a wait and knowing you will eventually be overwhelmed, it’s good to revel in this moment. So many congrats! 😀

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