Alright, after the heaviness of this Monday, let’s talk about something fun and simple for a minute. A couple months ago (jeez, that long ago?) I talked about branding myself — if you haven’t read it, you should, because it’s not as scary (or as boring) as you think it is. Anyway, in trying to take my own advice, I set a few goals for myself.

For one, I hired a graphic designer to make an author logo. *que ghost face emoji*

NOW, I discovered that is a godsend. Because you can do things like hire a designer to make an author logo and it’s not going to break the bank account.

SO. I worked with an amazing lady, whose talent I found on fiverr and proceeded to love because it was different and unique. I gave her two different ideas of what I envisioned (my sketching skills are so-so), but incorporating my name into the design:

And this is what she made:


(You may notice that my initials — R K — are incorporated into the dragon.)

I’m pretty dang happy with this.

Now, the ultimate image for my branding in general has a lot more colors and elements involved. But I’m really excited about incorporating this logo onto it — I think this is just so fun and unique.

But anyway, I don’t know if it exactly warrants a blog post, but I was so excited I had to update.

How is everyone else doing with their branding? Any new exciting thoughts or changes? How’s the overwhelm with marketing in general?

10 responses to “THIS BRANDING THING I DID”

  1. Defintely worth a blog post! 🙂 It really is a great design, and now you’ve got me thinking about a design of my own………

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