I’m feeling the need to branch out beyond writing my epically long novels. Not leaving them behind, of course, but broadening my horizons. This isn’t an uncommon thought for me; I usually realize this about every 18 months.
It’s excellent practice. For one, it teaches you how to fit as much as possible in as little as possible, which should be happening in novel writing anyway. And it can help refresh your creativity and brain after being so hyper-focused on one storyline and set of characters. And all of this without committing to another epically long novel!
Besides that, it’s a good idea if you’re interested in traditionally publishing. An agent will like it if you’ve got several short story publications under your belt. And you’ve got to write the short stories for that to happen.
I have no shortage of ideas, but I find it difficult to make them… short. I need the practice.
Maybe I’ll start with Novellas.
For me, writing a short story is easier than a novel, and I have self-published an ebook of ten stories. And just because I am in the habit of writing shorts, I’m no good in longer works. I might have started around 5 novels by now, but not completed any. How do you think I could improve this?