Nicole Evans on Her First Self-Publishing Experience

On a smokey grey background, the words Blood Price Book Tour are written, with the cover of the book as well. Book cover is a fierce looking white woman with red hair, with a black raven and wolf on either side of her.

My dear friend Nicole Evans has just launched her debut novel: Blood Price. As someone who has had the privilege to read initial drafts and hear brainstorming sessions, I am so excited that this hauntingly beautiful and real book is coming out into the world.

Blood Price is already receiving tons of positive reviews and excitement (go check out Evans’ Instagram to keep up on that). For my part, I’m posting an interview with Evans about her self-publishing journey. I’ve talked about my own journey before on here, and thought it would be a treat to hear about hers! If that’s not your speed, you can jump to the end to see my own review blurb on Blood Price and links to where you can learn more about it.

(I also did my own interview with her! That can be found here.)

Without further ado, here is Nicole Evans on her self-publishing journey:
What brought you to the decision to self-publish Blood Price? Tell us about your journey of why! 

Though I wasn’t always smart enough to read and realize the value of self-pub, once I learned more about it and began actively reading and supporting the authors in that sphere, it definitely became an avenue I was really interested in. After seeing the excitement and journeys of writer friends Ladz and R.K. Brainerd (coughyoucough) entering the self-pub space, I found myself itching to join the ranks of so many authors I admire. Last December, I decided to stop querying BLOOD PRICE and begin pursuing self-pub in earnest. Though it’s been stressful, it’s also been incredible and rewarding beyond measure. I don’t regret my choice at all and am excited for the journey!

What’s something you wish everyone knew about self-publishing? 

The amount of work it requires to create and produce a high quality book for readers to receive! And I’m not talking about the quality of the book itself and the story I’ve written, but just the process of getting it from finished draft to buyable book. I knew self-pub would be work, but I think everyone who looks down upon self-pub doesn’t realize how much work it truly is and actually respected it as it’s own publishing path instead of trad’s lesser sibling.

What’s next in your self-publishing journey? 

I am working on the sequel to BLOOD PRICE! I have no promise on timeline, as I’m still trying to figure out writing schedules, routine and self-care, but I’m excited for what I have mapped out for poor Ashilde. 

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? 

I would say the biggest lesson I’m learning is not second guessing kindness and help. I’ve had so much kindness in response to BLOOD PRICE’s announcement, from friends helping with social media, those who joined this promotional tour, to those who preordered a copy of the book. Sometimes, the pesky part of my brain feels undeserving of such a response; that I should be doing everything myself, that my book will fail, that everyone is lying about their excitement. But, I am trying to be kinder to myself and allow myself grace, hope, optimism and help. I know not everyone will love this book, but it’s okay that I’m excited for those who do. It’s okay to lean on my support systems. It’s okay to get help with marketing. 

What’s been your favorite thing about this publishing path? 

Working with Zoe Badini on the cover art. It was a dream experience that resulted in a dream cover. I’m forever thankful.

Who are some of your favorite self-pub writers to support? 

I have a ton (including an entire recommended list in the back of my book!) but I’ve been thoroughly enjoying Veo Corva’s work recently, with how inclusive and kind each story is, yet they also always make me cry, despite feeling so warm and fuzzy throughout my reads. Also, it is cheesy to point out there is this incredible eco-driven mental health fantasy by a partner of this interview I really dig?  

What project are you currently working on? 

Aside from BLOOD PRICE #2, I am really itching to dive into fantasy romance. To scratch the itch I will finish out Ashilde’s story, I’ve been writing a lot of video game smutty fanfiction!

What is one thing you’d change about the publishing industry? 

A lot of my critiques come regarding trad, but they include: being centralized in New York for no reason; limiting remote work options; pay scales for employees; not having dedicated project managers so editors are free to do more editing; treatment of marginalized writers and the policing and tokenization of their stories; the current infatuation with A.I.. For self-pub, my biggest thing is the taxes charged, which are outrageous and unfair. Sorry, that was way more than one thing. 

And that, my friends, is Nicole Evans on her self-publishing journey so far. Thank you Nicole for your thoughts and perspective!

R.K.’s blurb review:

“BLOOD PRICE is like taking a walk in a familiar fantasy landscape with brand new glasses. There is something so haunting about this book, somewhere between the flawed nature of humans, the questions about the divine, and the journey our MC takes. BLOOD PRICE creeps in slowly and by the time you realize you’ve been gripped, it’s too late. It would be remiss not to mention how excellently Evans crafts on-screen menstruation as a concept the culture is built around—and within this framework, the ease in which she handles the differences between bodies, sexuality, and identity is beautifully done. BLOOD PRICE has all the complex characters, beautiful description, riveting adventure, heartache, and brutal truth you could ask for.” – R. K. Brainerd

On a smokey grey background, the words Blood Price Book Tour are written, with the cover of the book as well. Book cover is a fierce looking white woman with red hair, with a black raven and wolf on either side of her.

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