Yesterday I finally decided my dilemma: I’m continuing with my current WIP. I probably do need the creativity break, but I’d really like to see how I react in a situation where the pressure is on for a project I really care about. If I’m going to survive as an author, I think I’d better figure this out!
(Beyond that, my excitement for the new idea rather petered out. I need to do a lot more work on a plot before it’s ready.)
National Novel Writing Month is an excellent opportunity to test my reaction to writing under pressure on a project dear to my heart. Last year I reworked an old idea and put a new spin on it, and tested my ability to stick to a schedule. (It turns out, I can stick to a schedule! Alongside other lessons) But it was a story that didn’t have much investment, and was not so dear to me.
I’m pretty nervous excited to find out how I react, learn new things about myself as a writer, and get this book done.
As for today’s word count, I’ve only gotten to a little over a thousand. For some reason the scene I’m trying to write it just not jiving with my mood. So much for leaving the editor at the door.
(Wish me luck!)
Good luck to everyone out there participating in NaNoWriMo, and happy November 1st! I’m writing under the name Bluescale, come be my buddy!
Good luck! 🙂 You can do this.