Creativity Cycles


Apparently mid-summer is the time of year where writing blog posts is more of a chore than usual. I think every year now, during the summer, I’ve written consistently less posts than during the winter.


Anybody else noticing this trend? I don’t have children, so I can’t blame it on that. I was more busy during the summer this year than I was last year, so maybe there’s something there. I don’t enjoy the sun all that much, so it’s not like I’m outside instead of writing posts.

It’s like I lose interest during that time of year.

Once Fall hits and Winter starts to make it’s grand entrance, it’s easier to blog. Or, it seems more natural to, to be accurate.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Seasonal Anxiety Disorder (mostly because I’m pretty sure I have it but don’t want to admit to it) and am wondering if it’s connected. Starting in June, when the light begins to leave, my blogging tapers off. In the depth of winter, particularly January (when the light is starting to return), I seem to get a rush of creative energy.

I used to assume I was just a night owl and was most productive when there was a lot of dark. Which, may still be true, though I’m finding my absolute best time to work is late morning/early afternoon.

Anyway, I noticed this trend in myself. Do you have an annual cycle that you go through? What’s your favorite time of day to write, or light situation that suits you best?

3 responses to “Creativity Cycles”

  1. Perhaps the heat that saps our physical energies also affects our mind in some way. I am the same in that I am more productive around the Autumn/Winter times.

    • Oh, heat! I hadn’t even thought about that. But you are right; I’m definitely not at my most mentally competent when I’ve been in the heat for a while.

  2. I prefer autumn, personally. There is something about it being extra windy and the slight chill in the air that make this season feel powerful and changing; and I like it. Also, I think this time of year is incredibly cosy! Which actually hampers my writing ability, as I just want to read a good book, play video games and eat cookies…

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