Injuring Characters: How much is too much?
Good thoughts and advice about something that doesn’t immediately spring to the forefront of your thinking!
The Story Arc
This is a great explanation of the story arc; some food for thought.
Why Flashbacks Ruin Fiction
Some very great thoughts on flashbacks, back story, and character tension/motivation.
When Reading Crappy Fiction…
… I’m finding that I can actually learn a few things. You probably know that most people recommend that writers consume high-quality literature, thus giving great examples of writing of which to draw upon. There’s a…
Selling & Social Media–DON’T Be a Personal Space Invader
This is a FANTASTIC post for writers on what not to do, and more importantly, what you could be doing on social media so you don’t annoy everyone on the planet. I think everyone needs…
Fantasy Author Terry Pratchett on Working on ‘Draft Zero’ of a Book
Terry Pratchett is dead. . .
Why an English Degree hurts Writing
One of the first bit of advice about writing I ever received was to never take writing classes. This was from a veteran author with decent success in the Science Fiction market, so take it as…
Why Authors Suck as Bloggers
A great point for all of us authors-in-making should keep in mind. Opinionated Man also has some great advice on successful blogging that is helpful to check out.
Can you hear writing advice through white noise
This is what I tend to think… which makes things so much more frustrating.
How to Stumble About World Building
I’ve always been a little envious of writers who are first and foremost “world builders.” They’ve got their history, culture, geography and general lay of the land allllll figured out while diving into their characters…