Hey everyone! Who all participated in #PitMad (or watched the craziness of the twitter feed), and what happened? Any neat ideas you saw? Any exciting ‘favorites’ you had? Any friends made?
I rather liked it. Besides being another way to capture the attention of agents, it was a fun way of seeing what else is out there. Of course, like anything else, there was the risk of getting lost in the flood. But overall I had a positive and fun experience. And I got a few exciting favorites!
What did you think?
I had a fun time too! I met some other writers, and I got a few favorites! The most interesting thing to happen to me is that one agent “Liked” the same pitch this time and last time during #PitMad, but she already requested the full manuscript for it earlier this year! I can’t wait till she gets around to reading it, she seems to REALLY love my concept.